Sunday, 9 September 2012

My time at the University College of Lillebælt with photos

My small amount of time at the university was fun and gave me the opportunity to learn something new and to meet other students from different countries. I found the style of teaching very similar to home and enjoyed the small friendly group discussions as a way to get to know people better. It was good to learn more about the Danish healthcare system in comparison with other countries in Europe.

The study visit to the Danish technological institute was really interesting and is something very different to what I would get to see in Scotland. The technology that was presented to us was all designed in the hope to improve the delivery of healthcare in conjunction with the predicted future economic and demographic challenges. The many inventions shown to us included PARO the fury robotic seal which responds to being petted and has been shown to be effective with people experiencing late stages of dementia. Also we were shown a telecommunication device whereby patients can consult with nurses through a video screen and send them measurements such as blood pressure and oxygen saturation. The device aims to increase patient empowerment and to save on hospital visits and nursing time. Many of the inventions gave myself and the rest of the class mixed reactions, brought up some ethical discussions and it was interesting to give my view on things from a mental health perspective.

My time at the uni finished this week with a group presentation on some of the issues around what we had learnt about. This went well and created some interesting debate.

Now im just about to start my second placement which im really looking forward to!

Here is a few photos of the uni and of some of the welfare technology we viewed. (Sorry a few are not of the best quality, my lense had steamed up without me realising, but you get the idea) :

University College of Lillebaelt with so many bikes outside!

Wheelchair at the technological institute with a very skilled arm.

Telecommunication device (on right) with fitted spirometer.
Myself with PARO the seal!
Design for new patient bed. Also an automatic hoover on the bottom left cleaning the whole apartment.



  1. Hi Stuart, I am glad things are going well for you. I looks to be a really interesting placement and I'm glad that PARO is keeping you company. The whole idea of pet therapy is an interesting one and something similar does happen in the UK, albeit with real animals. Although I can see the benefits of having robotic pets- less mess! I hope the next placement is enjoyable as the last and look forward to hearing about it- where are you off too?

  2. Funnily enough PARO the robotic seal was mentioned at the Scottish Mental Health Nurses Forum yesterday! Have you seen it being used with patients?

  3. Great! Unfortunately I have'nt seen him being used in practice so far although they are becoming more common here in Denmark apparently. I can definitely see the positive effects it may have in relaxing some patients as it had that effect on most of our class.

    My new placements great so far! Its in a sheltered residence for rehabilitating clients with mental health problems. I will update on my blog as soon as possible.
